Sunday, 27 December 2009
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
w-w-h (wild weekend halle)
1. there were not just five people at the party
2. no, andy turned only 50
3. all his ex-wives were present (but most)
4. we all looked that good by the end of the night
but even if we're all posing a bit here it was just fab to see so many old friends and share the kind of chit chat that you usually reserve for school reunions (which i have failed to get to yet) and find out that they're all doing quite nicely
before we turned more seriously and checked the bottles and the dance floor and then it was almost like in the good ol' days and in the end we danced to some pretty weird stuff from ossi land as well as the sins of our youth (tainted love anyone?) before we all returned to husbands, wives, children etc. the next day with the slightest hangover and the puzzling question what it will all look like when andy turns 60 or so...
Monday, 14 December 2009
magical moments in trafalgar square
a wonderful, magical moment on trafalgar sq last night where the fabulous southwark concert band (yes, with our daughter) played a full set of christmas carols, right next to the climate change protesters and their activities, oddly matched but peacefully side by side. rike swore she saw about 250 santas!
Thursday, 10 December 2009
snow white and the tasmanian devil
busy days, folks, not only at work where we are drowning in the run up to christmas while our students are already boarding their holiday flights but also at home with the arrival of chilli the tasmanian devil (pictured), 12 weeks old
and little snow white being two weeks older and a tiny bit bigger but still kittenish enough to play day and night untill they crash out (preferably on rike's bed where they have decided to reside).
both were rescued by the celia hammond trust until we took over and rike is now the proud mum of the two fluffers whose main purpose in life is to shred everything in sight.
but being so utterly charming, clever and cute always helps and already they are getting treats and pressies every other minute and it can only be a question of time before they rule the entire household. much to rike's liking...
Sunday, 29 November 2009
rodeo in los alamos, nm
today i stumbled across these pictures as we stumbled across the event last summer - a local rodeo show, barely made public on a few flyers, a low key affair for the working cowboys in los alamos, but for us a real treat and baking in the hot august sun that afternoon was about as remote from the cool, sleek laboratories that we had seen earlier in town as it could be and made the place where oppenheimer et al invented the bomb even more unreal. great riding skills but i still manage to feel sorry for the little calves...
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
halle 1 - new york city 0
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
fun at the lord mayor's show
not that we are usually too impressed by any kind of military parading but principles quickly fly right out of the window when your darling daughter stands in front of the lord mayor himself and blasts into her french horn.
and it has to be said that the marching of the old guilds was rather impressive and brought a little piece of history alive.
shame we couldn't find a camel...
watch the whole show on the bbc here
Monday, 16 November 2009
Unser Andy wird 50!
Wir gratulieren auch recht herzlich!
Viel Freude im neuen Lebensjahr, lieber Andreas!
Hier ein paar Jubilanten, die dieses Schicksal mit dir teilen:
Möbel Martin
Das Sandmännchen
Die Currywurst
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Saturday, 31 October 2009
yvonne and deac
this happens when you google your own husband just to find out from facebook or other wonderful toys whether he is actually going to make the dinner he promised for tonight (twitter hasn't reached us backwater zombies yet) or that he is still friends with you or what he actually looks like. what he actually looked like was also a revelation...good to know i'd have fallen for him then as well. cute!!!
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
best birthday presents ever
breakfast made by daughter with candles and cakes and chocolate decorations and happy birthday sung by husband and then these presents (brace yourself!):
a very very pretty orchid (probably the prettiest I have seen for a long time) AND 2 hand painted stones AND a voucher for a new cake ring
AND a voucher for a self knitted shawl AND five lion bars AND another voucher for a cake (which beautifully materialized the next day) AND a little something in the garden (see pics) by giles kent.
How cool is that??!!
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
sweden's got talent
Monday, 12 October 2009
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Sunday, 20 September 2009
american outlaws
The Rangers plunge into thick woods. Branches slap at them, but the sound of gunfire keeps them going.
Captain El Deaco is still in the lead, flanked by two young women who are obviously sisters.
The tall, handsome one is Miss Esterly; the younger one with the lopsided hair is Miss Rossell.
They break through the other side of the woods, emerging behind a rickety set of fence-post fortifications. Instantly GUNFIRE tears apart the trees around them. The Captain's horse goes down, and the sisters dive and roll to hide beneath the palisade.
The Captain, still alive, has fallen beyond the wooden shield. Doc Evilmountain scrambles through the savage rifle fire, grabs El Deaco, and hauls him behind the fortification.
"Fall back into the woods! Out of
your saddles before you're shot out
of 'em!"
The Rangers leap from their saddles as a new sound starts -- a dull roar that grows and approaches and BBRRRRAPPPPP
as, unbelievably, trees EXPLODE INTO SPLINTERS and horses and men go down in a heap!
(check the picasa albums for more tales)