Saturday, 12 October 2013

secret rock pool

the secret rock pool not far from the house we rented in arquette-en-val was indeed a little hidden, and more than once we thought our directions were wrong when we had to drive through large puddles and overflows to get even deeper into the woods. but the real shock came later when we found it and had admired its beauty and on a hot august day were ready to jump - the water was ice cold. no wonder we look so stiff in the pictures - we were half frozen. "the pacific was colder" is an old saying in this family of keen swimmers, in memory of near zero degrees at the oregon coast one summer. not quite so sure that's true here, though. a few minutes after these pics were taken two families with at least eight kids came noisily along - when the kids jumped into the water they nearly drowned. 'so cold' they cried, before they turned all quite, just like us.

the magnificent leon

for five months now rike has had the magnificent leon and he is just a wonderful horse - solid in the school, and a wild boar in the woods, according to daughter, who eagerly watched that i would not mess him up too much while holding him. admittedly, the two are a great pair and very much in tune with each other. luckily i've been able to get a few lessons on him which was great fun, and again all i can say is 'i want one, too...'

Friday, 11 October 2013

wild boars and horses

just like me you may find it hard to believe that wild boars do ride horses but honestly they do - proof is above - right?? It also reminds me that last winter must have been one of the most unpleasant ones in three decades. all i remember is standing in the cold while daughter and friends had fun. cruel! and just about to start all over again... where is my horse...


Wednesday, 9 October 2013

life and

great reading stuff arrived some weeks ago from the old shores and made life on the morning bus bearable. didi has featured on other pages on this blog and if you've payed any attention you have seen some of his work by now.
the somewhat fragmented text reminded me in some settings of our mid twenties, when there was just enough spell left from our student days to keep us wishing we would never grow up. some beautifully disguised names and places, just who deacon ross is i'll never figure out...

check out the interview with the author here. buy your copy here.