the end of another era - no, not me getting more plants for our garden - but the once beautifully sited and all-time favourite nursery architectural plants has given up its location in nuthurst and has moved further west, which means we are much less likely to go and spend half a day in the centre and then cram the car boot full of ferns, bamboos, etc. a few years ago deac was determined to curb my jungle fantasies in that i was only allowed to buy a plant if i could tell him where it would go in the garden. fat chance - i still managed to completely get it wrong, and what looked nice and manageable soon was a monster in the making. our eucalyptus tree, which towers over the house now and should be close to 20 meters high, once came to london in the car - on the front seat, actually... click on the album on the right side for more atmospheric pics from our darling daughter...
a lazy christmas, a lazy send-off for the old year, and a very relaxed start into the new one (watching the magnificent fireworks on the telly) - i get the feeling we all could get used to that. however, having these two lovely girls in the house makes for some activity, and daughter is already very busy with her rehearsals for the next lsso concert. all fine as long as it isn't me ...